Simplex Mobility
UX Designer
UX Strategist

Redesigning a SaaS Website’s Navigation and Page Structure

Simplex Mobility is a service provider in the corporate wireless space helping clients with telecom expense management. My team worked with Simplex Mobility to redesign their website to focus on overall usability and intuitiveness of the navigation. After analyzing web analytics, SaaS industry standards, and best practices, our solution was to adopt a mega menu and focus on highlighting benefits within pages.
This project has been signed under an NDA. All thoughts and opinions in this case study are my own and does not reflect the views of Lift Interactive nor Simplex Mobility. All confidential information has been excluded.

How can we help users easily navigate through the website to find desired information?

After 5+ years with the same website, Simplex Mobility found that it was time for a website refresh in order to stand out amongst other competitors and better reflect product offerings. Simplex Mobility asked our team to bring a new look to their website, along with accommodating new content and featured highlights.

Through analytics and a website audit, my team found that users were having difficulties navigating through the website as they were unable to truly understand what products were offered and what they did. Users wanted to find information about the product and what it could do for their company without wasting time.

Focusing on The User Journey

To understand how users navigated the site, we investigated what site pages were being frequently visited, where users were dropping off, and looking for areas of opportunity. We came up with several areas of opportunity:

Intuitive Mega Menu

To improve the navigability of Simplex’s site, we designed a mega menu to help users discover more about the site upon first glance. With multiple levels of navigation categories, a user is able to learn about the product, features, and integrations without going through other pages. Users had a difficulty of finding the information they needed and now are able to navigate throughout the site for exactly that.

Focusing on Product Benefits

Information about products should speak to users and not at them. By focusing on product benefits, we focus on using a user-centric approach to increase conversion rates. Highlighting the benefits will allow users to know what the product will do for them and enjoy their browsing experience more than if solely features are being showed.

Highlighting Additional Services

We found that users were uncertain about what product was actually being offered as services, products, and features on their old site did not tell users if everything was part of the MyServe Platform. We used this opportunity to highlight additional services as ‘products’ that can inquired about apart from the main product offering.

One of the First Website Projects

Prior to my internship at Lift, I haven’t really worked on websites much and I learned so much. This was one of the first website projects that I assisted with for the UX and strategy work and it launched successfully!

Designing With Constraints

Considering the constraints of this project, I had to find a way to prevent increasing development efforts by reusing components for page layouts and reusing certain parts of component for other sections. This was a challenge, but it allowed me to think about the big picture as a project goes through the different phases.

Learning about Website Structure

Before I had a very narrow idea of how to create a website. I focused things on the user and thought about content, but I failed to think about the best practices of website structure and industry standards. This project made me learn so much about the SaaS industry -for websites.

You’ve reached the end

If you’d like to learn more about me and more about how I create delightful experiences, hit me up! I’d love to chat and get to know you~
© JMINTANG 2021 — Made with love and passion